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Writer's picturedoublestapleranch


A couple of days ago a friend and I were talking about, you know, life . . .

I shared a light bulb moment with her, that I had a while back, and it ended up being a light bulb moment for her too, so I thought I would share. Here goes.

Life is a journey thru . . . let’s just stay there for a moment and say it again.

A journey THRU.

At some point along the way, we will be asked to stop and look directly at the ugly,

seeping wounds that we have acquired along the way. Really look at them without shrinking back or turning away. Look at them, talk about them, and allow them to be cleaned. Allowing them to be cleaned is the hardest part because in the beginning it is so

unbearably painful. Looking at them is hard enough because they’re so ugly but allow them to be touched and cleaned? Ugh!! But we MUST stay, we MUST allow them to be cleaned because that is what needs to happen before the healing can begin.

Once the healing begins, we must walk on.

Jesus says over and over, “Walk forth!”

Health and joy are found in walking forth. Suffering or disease comes from getting stuck in such a way that we turn in circles in the presence of our wounds. We don’t look at them, allow them to be cleaned. We just walk in circles around them, filled with pain and anxiety, allowing them to fester. The biggest problem is a lot of times we don’t even realize we are doing this.

Yes, there is a time for everything. There is a time to sit in the pain, it is a must. It can’t be avoided. It shouldn’t be avoided. But then there is the time to walk forth. Walk on. Keep walking thru whatever season you are in at the moment because the only guarantee you have in this journey is that it will change. The seasons always change.

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